Posts tagged: HTML

Oracle : What is APEX ?

APEX is a great Oracle product, yet some-how is under-rated.

Think of APEX for Oracle the same as Access is for Microsoft. It is light-weight-declarative tool to build database applications without much coding.

If you embrace this analogy between APEX and Access, then allow me to introduce APEX by comparing it to ACCESS.

Web Development: Using WURFL to identify the Clients’s device

Sometimes in web-development, it is needed to identify the connecting device, if it is a mobile phone, a tablet or a normal desktop browser.

This is possible by inspecting the HTTP_USER_AGENT parameter -part of the HTTP header- which has some information about the client’s browser, connecting device and operating system.

Anyway; the HTTP_USER_AGENT parameter is a mess, there are no specifications about how the browser should formulate the HTTP_USER_AGENT string and you can never tell from the string signature the supported features on the connecting device. Sometimes it is needed to know if  the connecting device support HTML5 and J2ME? , does this device have a QWERTY keyboard …etc.

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How to publish your Power Point PPT presentation to the web?

I have been trying to publish some of my Power Points to the web for a while now, and I was looking for an easy and straight forward way to Export *.PPT files in to a web-friendly format.

In this short article I will explain the steps taken to publish my work to the Internet.


Why do I want to publish my work? and to which purpose.

I used the Creative Commons License website to help me choose the License I wish to brand my work .

Web-Friendly Formats:

After looking at what others do to publish Slides, it comes down to some of those options:

  • HTML static pages.
  • HTML static pages with frames.
  • PDF format .
  • Flash SWF.
  • *.PPT downloadable and locked file viewable with the free Power-Point viewer.


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