Category: Java

Jazoon Day 3

Jazoon is an annual convention for java and software development in Zurich . I’m having the opportunity to attend it and I decided to blog about the experience.

Because of the overwhelming material I’m going to be writing only short notes and buzzwords (brain dumps). The intent is to mediate the buzzwords of today’s software development market.

Here is a brain dump of Day-3.

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Jazoon Day 2

Jazoon is an annual convention for java and software development in Zurich . I’m having the opportunity to attend it and I decided to blog about the experience.

Because of the overwhelming material I’m going to be writing only short notes and buzzwords (brain dumps). The intent is to mediate the buzzwords of today’s software development market.

Here is a brain dump of Day-2.

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Jazoon Day 1

Jazoon is an annual convention for java and software development in Zurich . I’m having the opportunity to attend it and I decided to blog about the experience.

Because of the overwhelming material I’m going to be writing only short notes and buzzwords (brain dumps). The intent is to mediate the buzzwords of today’s software development market.

Here is a brain dump of Day-1.

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Using Code-Swarms as a developer KPI

If You are developer in a company that doesn’t involve software development as its main product or line of business: Then you must be suffering from time to time about reporting your work and communicating the efforts you make as KPIs.

Everyone has to provide monthly ,dull and boring charts and tables KPIs showing the amount of work they did, begging for attention about their work.

Somehow developers lack the artistic and eye-catching way to present their work.

Well I propose to use “Code Swarms” to show your development effort in the projects you work on.

gourcing git project

gourcing git project

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SOAP in 100 minutes

If you are an enterprise developer, then you must have came across SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).

When you are first introduced to it, you drown in a ocean of terms and jargon that eventually kills the purpose of it (Simple).

In this this 100 minutes tutorial I try to introduce the reader to SOAP jargon without being stuck in the Jargon Quick sand. I try to introduce terms naturally and gradually as they are needed and as much as possible try to provide visual exhibits to reduce the number of words.

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