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Some quick and easy examples into oracle XML DB.

Oracle XML DB is the API of SQL functions inside the oracle DBMS which makes oracle XML enabled.

If you don’t know much about XML, please refer to this quick tutorial :  especially the starting slide 74 discussing Oracle and XML.

XML DB is a series of SQL functions ,PL/SQL packages and DBMS features for processing XML data In and out of Oracle.

The most important feature; is adding the new column type “XMLType”; which enable storing structured and unstructured XML documents into oracle. A considerable step ahead from CLOB.

There are two sets of features :

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Helping out with Egyptian elections 2011

Egypt is experiencing its first free elections since decades.

Egyptian Symbol

Egyptian Coat of arms

And I have decided to test if the web technologies practiced inside a secure enterprise network would also work in the real-Internet-world.

I got the permission to go ahead and use the API provided by the Egyptian government for the people to query their database for Election Locations, candidates  ,constituents and contests.

I got to learn a lot about the political map in Egypt and try to adapt my application quickly to different and shifting requirements.

I have made the following technical decisions:

  1. Use PHP and MYSQL . because that is the available platform I have
  2. Use the PHP framework Codeigniter . Which I have to admit, so far I’m enjoying that decision. Sometimes you feel there is a lack of documentation, but if you dig deep enough you will find your answers. anyway not bad for my first time.
  3. For Ajax and JS, I’m using the Prototype Javascript library. I have used JQuery before, but I had to go with Prototype because there is an AJAX library already available with CodeIgniter.
So Far I’m not getting heavy traffic on the site (only 220 queries) so the real load-test has not been reached yet.
My biggest problem so far is Marketing for the website. Unless you are willing to spend some money, nothing could be done beyond telling you network on Facebook and twitter about the site.

Anyway that is my experience about the difference between Enterprise -web and real-web applictions.

Looking forward to hear your suggestions and rating.

Ah, the website I created is :

SOAP in 100 minutes

If you are an enterprise developer, then you must have came across SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).

When you are first introduced to it, you drown in a ocean of terms and jargon that eventually kills the purpose of it (Simple).

In this this 100 minutes tutorial I try to introduce the reader to SOAP jargon without being stuck in the Jargon Quick sand. I try to introduce terms naturally and gradually as they are needed and as much as possible try to provide visual exhibits to reduce the number of words.

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Telecom Billing Systems


Billing systems in telecom are pivotal for the operation of any telecom operator. In this article I explain some of the terminologies about telecom and try to show how they fit in the big picture in telecom operators.
Also I explain the Customer, Network and Money triangle which helps in defining functionalities of the Billing system and maybe IT Applications inside the telecom operator matrix of business processes.
The ideas discussed in this article is intended to be as generic as possible and based on my personal perspective.

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XML tutorial in 100 minutes

Time for another tutorial: XML in 100 minutes.

XML today is a vital technology in contemporary organizations, it is widely used to transfer data between applications and other uses.

Knowing XML for today’s IT Gurus is as important as Unix and SQL skills. Many Applications requires XML know-how.

This short guide to XML is only an fast introduction to XML, later tutorials will follow about the individual subjects in XML, like XSLT, SOAP …etc.

The tutorial is available here in PDF, HTML and Adobe-Flash Formats

One of the slides has an overview of XML technologies:

XML at a glance

XML at a glance

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