Using Code-Swarms as a developer KPI

If You are developer in a company that doesn’t involve software development as its main product or line of business: Then you must be suffering from time to time about reporting your work and communicating the efforts you make as KPIs.

Everyone has to provide monthly ,dull and boring charts and tables KPIs showing the amount of work they did, begging for attention about their work.

Somehow developers lack the artistic and eye-catching way to present their work.

Well I propose to use “Code Swarms” to show your development effort in the projects you work on.

gourcing git project

gourcing git project

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Cool-Time Out: YouTube converter

This is not Business related, but I enjoyed using it much. helps you convert and download you-tube videos. can convert a youtube link into many Video or Audio formats. It is free and without any registration.

You know also… youtube is not only about entertainment, there is also and where you can view many educational materials using YouTube and learn about school, university and post graduate lectures. can help you take this material offline and view it on the go.

Hope it is useful.

Web Development: Using WURFL to identify the Clients’s device

Sometimes in web-development, it is needed to identify the connecting device, if it is a mobile phone, a tablet or a normal desktop browser.

This is possible by inspecting the HTTP_USER_AGENT parameter -part of the HTTP header- which has some information about the client’s browser, connecting device and operating system.

Anyway; the HTTP_USER_AGENT parameter is a mess, there are no specifications about how the browser should formulate the HTTP_USER_AGENT string and you can never tell from the string signature the supported features on the connecting device. Sometimes it is needed to know if  the connecting device support HTML5 and J2ME? , does this device have a QWERTY keyboard …etc.

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SOAP in 100 minutes

If you are an enterprise developer, then you must have came across SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).

When you are first introduced to it, you drown in a ocean of terms and jargon that eventually kills the purpose of it (Simple).

In this this 100 minutes tutorial I try to introduce the reader to SOAP jargon without being stuck in the Jargon Quick sand. I try to introduce terms naturally and gradually as they are needed and as much as possible try to provide visual exhibits to reduce the number of words.

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Writing a proposal for management with NABC.

One morning, while you are taking the elevator to get to your office, you meet the CIO, you have 3 minutes time-window where you have the attention of CIO and you need to convince him about an idea you have. What would you say ? In which order you will discuss your ideas and arguments?

We all see that scene in movies where the corporate-fox-hero meets the CEO and 3 minutes later  he gets out of the room with a big smile on his face. They never show what happened in between. Well this article is about Elevated Pitch.

We Developers, always have a hard-time explaining ourselves in an executive sort of way.  One of the biggest mistakes: we start by explaining an approach to a problem only us are aware of.  We always assume that everybody is aware with our everyday work problems and challenges.

Elevated pitch used in engineering commercials, speeches and seminars to capture attention and provoke actions.  Also In today’s sort of hierarchical organizations, could be used in writing internal project proposals or sell  new ideas to management.

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